Meal Plan Monday
Well ladies... this wasn't easy. I had to browse through the menus on I'm an Organizing Junkie to find some meals that would work for us. I was losing inspiration. =[
We are still trying to eat pretty healthfully and I am not buying any sugary snack or junk foods. It's hard because the strawberries aren't looking as pretty as they used to - still buying them though [the kids love them!].
I went shopping today and spent $80 at Costco [for the life of me, I can't remember what I bought], $45 at Fry's [Kroger], and $63 at Wal-Mart.
You know, I shopped Wal-Mart for a while, and didn't feel they had the best produce selection and their milk was never as cheap as it is at Fry's [$1.27/gal today]... but I did find out today that my favorite tub of yogurt is .50 cents cheaper, our Smuckers Strawberry spread [no chunks for me, please!] is .80 cents cheaper... I may have to start going back to Wal-Mart.
Anyway... enough rambling - here's our meal plan for the week:

P.S. The Smoked Sausage is Turkey! :D
1 people making a house call!:
what a cool blog! i've never come across one documenting a getting out of debt journey! i need to pay attention. (sadly). good to "meet" you!
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