Got My Eyebrows Did
I went to JoAnn's (Craft Store) and Target & Hallmark today with a girlfriend. We are both graduating next month with our Bachelors Degrees (yes, kind of weird that I have already started my Masters)... and we are making our own announcements. We found cardstock/invite stuff, but nothing really for graduation (we were looking for stickers and stuff). The issue with Arizona, is our high schools (and elem. and middle) are done at the end of May... so by July, why would they have any graduations stuff?! I cannot find any "Class of 2009" stickers a-n-y-w-h-e-r-e. =[ Anyway... I LOVE JoAnn's - they have cute signs and stuff (I am a sucker for Americana!!)... These two lovelies called out my name, so I HAD to oblige...(they aren't Americana, more like country - but I love them!). PLUS - they were 50% off - so $7 each.

To make up for the fact that we couldn't find any graduation stuff...we had Taco Bell for lunch. =]

And we got our eyebrows done. My girlfriend goes every 2 weeks; this was only my second time in MY LIFE. It [HURT!]. And now I am pink. lol.
Before - sorry for the half-drunken look! lol


Is there even a difference? lol Kinda reminds me of some Infomercial. Scary.
Anyway... had a great day! Now I am home cleaning up (well, abt to start) and getting ready to fix dinner for the hubby (who claims he will be home "early" tonight. Crossing my fingers.
1 people making a house call!:
I've only had my eyebrows done twice... and I love it. But I just don't get around to doing it as often as I should! They look great by the way! Thanks for coming by!! Have a great week!
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