25 May 2009

Recipe: Roasted Chicken Breast & Veggies

Tonight's dinner was a success. The kids loved it!

The above picture is of Isabe's plate.

I used boneless/skinless chicken breast and covered it in garlic, salt, and chicken rub and roasted it in a shallow pan in the oven for 50 minutes. The inside was just moist enough!

For the roasted veggies, I used some Olive Oil on a cookie sheet and cut up Turnips, Zucchini, a Gold potato, a Yam [or Sweet Potato, I am not really sure], onions and garlic. That was roasted for 40 minutes.

And for our salad; a little Romain, some cheese, olives, and cucumbers - score! We used a low fat Italian Romano Basil Vinaigrette.

I couldn't finish my plate... it was very filling and very tasty!

Later on, for desert, we will have a few spoonfuls of strawberry yogurt with slices of strawberry mixed in!

1 people making a house call!:

Alicia May 27, 2009 at 11:05 AM  

That looks DELISH!!! :)