26 May 2009

I Swear this isn't a Food Blog

I am just having a [blast!] finding healthy things to make [or mostly healthy, anyway].

I think I am off of my menu plan, just switched the days around a little.

Tonight I made cheeseburgers and Pasta Salad.

Yes... that's spinach, onions, thyme, and garlic. See all that deliciousness?

And here was the final plating! The pasta salad was made of that Wacky Veggie Pasta, Fat Free Italian [Kraft] and olives. Sprinkled a little Parmesan on the burger and the pasta, and viola! Dinner!
We are about to go pick up Marcos now... once we get home, Isa and I are headed to the gym and then a quick dip in the pool.
Have I mentioned how much I love summer?

0 people making a house call!: