Counting Down the Hours
The kids are due home from school any minute; a longer day than normal. Tomorrow is their last day of school. I cannot believe the school year is over and summer is upon us.
I just read a new post over at Clover Lane about preparing for summer. I am quite envious that Sarah has a game plan. Quite simply, I do not.
As my "About Us" suggests, we live in Arizona. Most outdoor things have to be done extremely early or after dark. I need to get on the ball and start brainstorming some ideas to keep the kids busy this summer. I would really like to cut out T.V. and computer time.
I know we will do Library Monday's for sure... but that's all I got.
Do you have any ideas you'd like to share with me? As a reminder, the kids are 13, 10, and 2.
Oh, and I do have to put some hours in for the bank [I keep forgetting, while I work from home, I am not a stay-at-home mom. darn].
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